Submission of Papers
Submission of Papers
For preparation of your full paper to be submitted for peer review please refer to the attached template. Please restrict your document to 10 pages. Text should be one column and include abstract, keywords, full Authors’ affiliations and email address of the corresponding Author.
Please note that publication on Conference proceedings will be checked against plagiarisms and similarities.
Full papers should be submitted to the secretariat before September 20th, 2019.
Proceedings will be published in Springer book series: Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering (LNCE).
Therefore, authors with the final acceptance of their paper have to sign the Consent to Publish and submit the signed contract to the MAIREPAV9 Secretariat till latest March 30th, 2020.
For any queries please feel free to contact us at
Secretariat Mairepav9_2020
Empa, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology,
Überlandstr. 129
CH - 8600 Dübendorf
Tel.: +41 58 765 11 11