News 2023
Dec 20, 2023 | Empa Zukunftsfonds
Carbon fiber-reinforced polymer lamellas are an innovative method of reinforcing buildings. There are still many unanswered questions regarding their recycling, however. A research project by Empa's Mechanical Systems...
Dec 19, 2023 | Empa Quarterly: New research initiative Mining the Atmosphere
If we want to achieve our climate goals and prevent irreversible changes to the Earth's climate system, we not only need to curb our greenhouse gas emissions, but also remove excess man-made CO2 from the atmosphere. This...
Dec 14, 2023 | Open innovation between research and industry
In late November, researchers from Switzerland and abroad convened at Empa with experts from the pharmaceutical company CSL Vifor for a joint workshop on nanomedicines. The aim of this scientific exchange, which has been...
Dec 11, 2023 | Launch of
The aim of the consortium is to develop robust supply paths for sustainable fuels and base chemicals for Switzerland. The consortium is funded by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) as part of the SWEET...
Dec 8, 2023 | Inductive charging for electric vehicles
Eight stakeholders from business, science and the public sector launched the first project for wireless charging of electric vehicles in Switzerland at the end of November 2023. The project team is investigating the...
Dec 6, 2023 | Portrait Yaroslav Romanyuk
Yaroslav Romanyuk has been working at Empa for around 15 years on complex thin-film technologies for solar cells, printed circuits, novel solid-state batteries and other applications. Since the beginning of July, he is...
Dec 4, 2023 | Perovskite nanocrystals
Researchers from ETH Zurich, Empa and Stanford University have taken snapshots of the crystal structure of perovskite nanocrystals as it was deformed by excited electrons. To their surprise, the deformation straightened...
Nov 30, 2023 | MUNICIPAL network hosted by Empa
Under the motto "Idea generation and co-creation processes to promote technology transfer", around 60 participants from research, business, cantons and municipalities discussed innovative approaches to the energy...
Showing 1 to 8 of 114 entries.